



High GMAT scores

The schools below mean business when it comes to the GMAT.
Their students have the highest GMAT scores for business schools.
  1. Stanford University (CA) 722
  2. University of Chicago 695
  3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 690
  4. Harvard University (MA) 689
  5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL) 685
  6. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 685
  7. University of Virginia (Darden) 685
  8. University of CaliforniaLos Angeles (Anderson) 683
  9. Yale University (CT) 682
  10. Columbia University (NY) 680
  11. New York University (Stern) 675
  12. University of CaliforniaBerkeley (Haas) 674
  13. University of MichiganAnn Arbor 672
  14. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH) 671
  15. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC) 664



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